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NRG Sweet just ended that chatter's entire career with that... 😂
NRG Sweet proves why he's currently the BEST igl in apex!
Imperialhal making fun of NRG Sweet after getting griefed by them in Oversight Finals..
ImperialHal might actually need therapy after NRG Sweet did this..
pov: when NRG Sweet turned on his "cheats" in Oversight Grand Finals! 😱
NRG Sweet calls out NICKMERCS on how Respawn should fix Ranked System!
when NRG Sweet completely OUTPLAYED ImperialHal in Oversight Finals! (GAME 1)
now THIS is seriously getting out of hand...
When TSM Got Griefed By NRG Sweet in Oversight Finals! - Apex Legends
Respawn's gonna start MALDING again after they see this... 🤣
ImperialHal Couldn't Believe What Caprah Just Did! - Apex Legends
Taxi2g Opens Champagne Bottle After World's Edge Came Back❗